Celebrating (if you can say that) 80 years on this Earth

On the 14th I turned 80 and on the 21st we had one hell of a great party here at Burnt Store Colony.  My friends Bob and Mary Ann MacPhail brought their band and all his equipment and Francis and KC Chillcoat came down from West Virgina and we had a bash like we used to have in Indianapolis only this was a little larger venue.  Geralyn and I cooked Sloppy Joes and Mac and Cheese and people brought dishes.  Fortunately we had just enough food to go around.  Tim and Angie were also here and Angie video taped most of the music which can be foiund on this link on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1ltyvF5I_PvUPbpm1ceaS9HRWNZwgJkz 


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