I turned 80 two weeks ago.  In my adult lifetime the Republicans broke our economy 4 times.  Gerald Ford busted it the first time and presided over the worst economy since the Great Depression.   Then after 4 years if Jimmy Carter who struggled under Ford's failure and the Iran hostage mess Ronald Reagan took over and changed the tax base, giving huge tax breaks to the wealthy and taking away deductions that normal people used such as interest expense on credit cards and personal loans and consuser sales taxes on large items like cars.  Tashen on October 19, 1987 the stock marker crashed an they called it Black Monday.  The Dow dropped 508 points, or 22.6%, the largest one day decline ever.  I had money in a 401K and went to crap and didn't recover for another 4 years.  So then after Clinton had presided over a booming 8 years George W. Bush took over a "Surplus" economy, in 2002 the NASDAG took a 76% loss and I lost everything again.  

But GW Bush wasn't finished because just 6 years later in the fall of 2008, the economic contraction worsened, ultimately becoming deep enough and protracted enough to acquire the label “the Great Recession" and the country almost went into default.  Again it took a Democrat Obama to bring us back only to see it go to crap again under Trump when the Covid pandemic hit.  Now after 4 years under Biden/Harris we are back to somewhat normal and the Trump MAGAs want to take us back. 


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