Boot Key harbor (Marathon) to Ft Myers

At sea in the Gulf of Mexico. Departed Boot Key Harbor this morning at approximately 0900. Passed under the Seven Mile bridge at 1000 and enterred the Gulf Steered a course of 335 deg after we negotiated the shoals. At about 1400 we turned off the engine and sailed for a couple of hours under lite winds of about 5kts. Bob & Gary went for a swim while I was on watch.

We encountered a large school of Jacks feeding. Gary was able to snag one with a lite spinner rod but we lost him trying to get it in the boat. Sailboats are not the greatest fishing platform, espesially with no net or gaf.

Presently lying on the deck writing this on my iPhone notepad. Obviously no cell service here. Very dark night with only a small sliver of moon. Pink Floyd is playing on the CD player below. Lots of stars out. On a night like this the Gulf is like a pond. Hardly any wave action like on the ocean on a calm night. Just a slight rocking of the boat, mixed with the gentle rumble of the engine below. Very peaceful and serene.

Assumed the watch at midnight. Cape Romano is well within sight. No other boats anywhere to be seen and the autopilot is working like a champ. Just sit back and ride. Night vision at sea is really deceiving. Big tower on the cape looks like is so close, but actually miles away. Also got a cell signal when I first came on watch and talked to China for almost an hour. Busy planning the Tgiving dinner. Going to be great. Tough, I think I have gained pounds on this trip. We have eaten well with two pretty good cooks among us.

Well this is the last night of the trip. Only 32.65nm until we reach the outer bouys. We should be well in port in Ft Myers by 9 or 10am.

Well I'm going to post this now and see what happens on Posterous. Never posted as a note before.

Sent by RiBurton's IPhone

Posted via email from Richard Burton


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